
894 B


Okota implements smart contract registries for the CIC network with the Address Declarator backend.

For every entry added to the registry, a declaration is added aswell.

Contract declaration translations

registry call declarator subject proof
ContractRegistry.set(registry_identifier, contract_address) sender contract_address registry_identifier
AccountsIndex.register(wallet_address) sender wallet_address token address of accounts index
TokenRegistry.registry(token_address) sender token_address sha256(token symbol)

Query the declarator with CLI

eth-accounts-index-view -e <declarator_contract> -a <declarator_address> <subject_address>

Add arbitrary other proofs with CLI

eth-accounts-index-add -e <declarator_contract> -y <keyfile_of_declarator> -a <subject_address> <256 bit proof in hex>