
2.6 KiB


  • Authors: Firstname Lastname (url)
  • Date: YYYY.MM.DD
  • Version: 1
  • Status: Pre-draft


Groups creating Community Inclusion Currencies need to understand the history, benefits, obligations and risks - as do organizations using and training groups.



Local students, businesses, group members, CIC designers, design challenge participants, Humanitarian aid


Community groups, self help groups, SILCs, VSLAs, Chamas, Savings and Loan groups Group members should consist of people with local business and jobs that can trade amongst eachother


The group trained has a


This is a suggested 4 part course that could be taken in 4 consecutive sessions - spaning a day, days or a month.


  1. Community Inclusion Currencies
    1. Introduction
    2. History
    3. Examples (paper and mobile phones)
    4. Basic CIC Usage
      1. Buying and selling
      2. Your pin and profile information
      3. Marketplace
    5. Your Economy
      1. Circular trade
      2. Under utilized potential
      3. Stronger local markets
  2. Creating a CIC
    1. Who should create a CIC?
    2. Resource Mapping
    3. Issuer Commitments
    4. How many CICs to create?
    5. Issuer Backing and Redemption
    6. Reserves - CIC Collateral
      1. Cashing Out and Cashing In
      2. How does it work?
      3. What happens then?
      4. Back to Social Backing
  3. Introducing CICs to the rest of community
    1. Establishing a solid foundation
    2. Good Communication
    3. Spreading CICs
      1. Airdrops
      2. Rewards
      3. Income Salaries
      4. Spending
      5. Sharing
    4. Connecting to other CICs
      1. How does it work?
      2. Leaving or joining a CIC
      3. Auto conversion
  4. Gettign Started 2. Risks
    1. Obligations
    2. Dispute Mitigation
    3. Documenting Commitment
    4. Trial Period
    5. Bootstrapping with Sarafu 3. Seeding Reserves

