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Contract Migration

Common docker artifacts and bootstrap scripts

How this repo works

This repo builds contracts and deploys them to a chain

First, bring up an eth evm provider

docker-compose up eth

Now build this repo's image and run it against the 'eth' service (ganache, for example). You will need to bind to the docker-compose network (cic-network) and mount the special contract output folder that dependent services use to get deployed contract addresses.

Here is how to do that in one shot:

docker build -t -f docker/ . && docker run --env ETH_PROVIDER=http://eth:8545 --net cic-network -v cic-docker-internal_contract-config:/tmp/cic/config --rm -it

Stop the containers and bring down the services with

docker-compose down

If you want a fresh start to the dev environment then bring down the services and delete their associated volumes with

docker-compose down -v

A goal is to go through all of these containers and create a default non-root user a la:

Tips and Tricks

Sometimes you just want to hold a container open in docker compose so you can exec into it and poke around. Replace "command" with

      - /bin/sh
      - -c
      - |
        tail -f /dev/null


docker exec -it [IMAGE_NANE] sh