2015-03-19 15:32:07 +02:00

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Ethereum Network Intelligence API
[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![dependency status][dep-image]][dep-url]
This is the backend service which runs along with the node for tracking the ethereum network status, fetches information through the JSON-RPC and connects through WebSockets to [eth-netstats]( and feed information constantly.
## Prerequisite
* cpp-ethereum
* node
* npm
## Installation on Ubuntu
Fetch and run the build shell. This will install everything you need: latest cpp-ethereum - CLI (develop branch), node.js, npm, pm2.
curl | sh
## Configuration
Configure the app modifying [processes.json](/eth-net-intelligence-api/blob/master/processes.json). Note that you have to modify the backup processes.json file located in `./bin/processes.json` (to allow you to set your env vars without being rewritten when updating).
"NODE_ENV" : "production", // tell the client we're in production environment
"RPC_HOST" : "localhost", // eth JSON-RPC host
"RPC_PORT" : "8080", // eth JSON-RPC port
"ETH_IMPLEMENTATION" : "cpp", // eth implementation: "cpp" or "go"
"WS_SERVER" : "", // path to eth-netstats WebSockets api server
"WS_SECRET" : "", // WebSockets api server secret used for login
## Run
Run it using pm2:
cd ~/bin
pm2 start processes.json
## Updating
To update the API client use the following commands:
pm2 kill
cd ~/bin/www
git pull
sudo npm update
sudo npm install
cd ..
pm2 start processes.json