Go to file
2021-11-18 11:10:05 +03:00
diem-node.service init: libra instructions 2021-11-17 14:09:49 +03:00
libra-monitor.service init: libra instructions 2021-11-17 14:09:49 +03:00
README.md docs: diem cli installation 2021-11-18 11:10:05 +03:00
tower.service init: libra instructions 2021-11-17 14:09:49 +03:00


# ---------------------------
# 1. Environment setup (Ubuntu 20.04)

# - assumes the account name is "deployer"
# ---------------------------

# install deps
sudo apt install tmux git make jq --yes

# download latest release
mkdir libra-release && cd libra-release
curl -sL https://api.github.com/repos/OLSF/libra/releases/latest | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' | wget -i -

# make binaries executable
chmod +x ...

# extract web-monitor
tar -xf web-monitor.tar.gz --directory ~/.0L/web-monitor/

# add to .bashrc
export PATH=$HOME/libra-release:$PATH
source ~/.bashrc

# ---------------------------
# 2. Onboarding
# ---------------------------

# create blockchain account
onboard keygen

# mine genesis proof
onboard val -u $IP
mkdir init-backup && cp -r ~/.0L/* ~/init-backup/

# ---------------------------
# 3. Diem Node
# ---------------------------

# create systemd service and copy contents
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/diem-node.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start diem-node.service
sudo systemctl enable diem-node.service

# ---------------------------
# 4. Tower

# - patched version needs to run in tmux since it requires mnemonic from STDIN prompt
# - you can use the below config if you want to run with the -o flag
# ---------------------------

# create systemd service and copy content
sudo nano /etc/systemd/user/tower.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl --user start tower.service
systemctl --user enable tower.service

# Enable systemd persistence
loginctl enable-linger deployer

# see backlog submission patch below


# logs
tail -n 100 -f ~/logs/node.log
tail -n 100 -f ~/logs/tower.log

# install diem cli
cd libra
git checkout master
make client
mv target/debug/cli ~/libra-release/diem-cli

# dm commands
# check vdf proof height
node ms $ADDRESS

# check balance
query balance $ADDRESS

Backlog Submission Patch

# clone the main repo
git clone https://github.com/OLSF/libra.git
cd libra
# add the remote with the fix 
git remote add mortonbits https://github.com/mortonbits/libra.git
# fetch the branch with the fix
git fetch mortonbits submit-initial-vdf-proof
# move to thta brach
git checkout submit-initial-vdf-proof
# Config dependencies as hard mode documentation
make deps
# Build the source and install binaries
make bins

mv ~/libra-release/tower ~/libra-release/towerold
mv target/release/tower ~/libra-release/tower

tmux new -s tower
tower start