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// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
extern crate ansi_term;
use self::ansi_term::Colour::{White, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue};
2017-09-01 16:57:57 +02:00
use self::ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
use std::sync::{Arc};
2016-12-11 02:02:40 +01:00
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
use atty;
use ethcore::client::{
BlockId, ChainInfo, BlockInfo, BlockChainInfo, BlockChainClient,
BlockQueueInfo, ChainNotify, NewBlocks, ClientReport, Client, ClientIoMessage
use types::BlockNumber;
use ethcore::snapshot::{RestorationStatus, SnapshotService as SS};
use ethcore::snapshot::service::Service as SnapshotService;
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
use sync::{LightSyncProvider, LightSync, SyncProvider, ManageNetwork};
use io::{TimerToken, IoContext, IoHandler};
use light::Cache as LightDataCache;
use light::client::{LightChainClient, LightChainNotify};
use number_prefix::{binary_prefix, Standalone, Prefixed};
use parity_rpc::is_major_importing_or_waiting;
use parity_rpc::informant::RpcStats;
use ethereum_types::H256;
use parking_lot::{RwLock, Mutex};
/// Format byte counts to standard denominations.
pub fn format_bytes(b: usize) -> String {
match binary_prefix(b as f64) {
Standalone(bytes) => format!("{} bytes", bytes),
Prefixed(prefix, n) => format!("{:.0} {}B", n, prefix),
2016-09-16 12:18:27 +02:00
/// Something that can be converted to milliseconds.
2016-09-15 16:56:10 +02:00
pub trait MillisecondDuration {
2016-09-16 12:18:27 +02:00
/// Get the value in milliseconds.
fn as_milliseconds(&self) -> u64;
impl MillisecondDuration for Duration {
fn as_milliseconds(&self) -> u64 {
self.as_secs() * 1000 + self.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1_000_000
struct CacheSizes {
sizes: ::std::collections::BTreeMap<&'static str, usize>,
impl CacheSizes {
fn insert(&mut self, key: &'static str, bytes: usize) {
self.sizes.insert(key, bytes);
fn display<F>(&self, style: Style, paint: F) -> String
where F: Fn(Style, String) -> String
use std::fmt::Write;
let mut buf = String::new();
for (name, &size) in &self.sizes {
write!(buf, " {:>8} {}", paint(style, format_bytes(size)), name)
.expect("writing to string won't fail unless OOM; qed")
pub struct SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: BlockNumber,
last_imported_old_block_number: Option<BlockNumber>,
num_peers: usize,
max_peers: u32,
snapshot_sync: bool,
pub struct Report {
importing: bool,
chain_info: BlockChainInfo,
client_report: ClientReport,
queue_info: BlockQueueInfo,
cache_sizes: CacheSizes,
sync_info: Option<SyncInfo>,
/// Something which can provide data to the informant.
pub trait InformantData: Send + Sync {
/// Whether it executes transactions
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool;
/// Whether it is currently importing (also included in `Report`)
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool;
/// Generate a report of blockchain status, memory usage, and sync info.
fn report(&self) -> Report;
/// Informant data for a full node.
pub struct FullNodeInformantData {
pub client: Arc<Client>,
pub sync: Option<Arc<SyncProvider>>,
pub net: Option<Arc<ManageNetwork>>,
impl InformantData for FullNodeInformantData {
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool { true }
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
let state = self.sync.as_ref().map(|sync| sync.status().state);
is_major_importing_or_waiting(state, self.client.queue_info(), false)
fn report(&self) -> Report {
let (client_report, queue_info, blockchain_cache_info) =
(, self.client.queue_info(), self.client.blockchain_cache_info());
let chain_info = self.client.chain_info();
let mut cache_sizes = CacheSizes::default();
cache_sizes.insert("db", client_report.state_db_mem);
cache_sizes.insert("queue", queue_info.mem_used);
let importing = self.is_major_importing();
let sync_info = match (self.sync.as_ref(), {
(Some(sync), Some(net)) => {
let status = sync.status();
let num_peers_range = net.num_peers_range();
debug_assert!(num_peers_range.end() >= num_peers_range.start());
cache_sizes.insert("sync", status.mem_used);
Some(SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: status.last_imported_block_number.unwrap_or(chain_info.best_block_number),
last_imported_old_block_number: status.last_imported_old_block_number,
num_peers: status.num_peers,
max_peers: status.current_max_peers(*num_peers_range.start(), *num_peers_range.end()),
snapshot_sync: status.is_snapshot_syncing(),
_ => None
Report {
/// Informant data for a light node -- note that the network is required.
pub struct LightNodeInformantData {
pub client: Arc<LightChainClient>,
pub sync: Arc<LightSync>,
pub cache: Arc<Mutex<LightDataCache>>,
impl InformantData for LightNodeInformantData {
fn executes_transactions(&self) -> bool { false }
fn is_major_importing(&self) -> bool {
fn report(&self) -> Report {
let (client_report, queue_info, chain_info) =
(, self.client.queue_info(), self.client.chain_info());
let mut cache_sizes = CacheSizes::default();
cache_sizes.insert("queue", queue_info.mem_used);
cache_sizes.insert("cache", self.cache.lock().mem_used());
let peer_numbers = self.sync.peer_numbers();
let sync_info = Some(SyncInfo {
last_imported_block_number: chain_info.best_block_number,
last_imported_old_block_number: None,
num_peers: peer_numbers.connected,
max_peers: peer_numbers.max as u32,
snapshot_sync: false,
Report {
importing: self.sync.is_major_importing(),
pub struct Informant<T> {
last_tick: RwLock<Instant>,
with_color: bool,
target: T,
snapshot: Option<Arc<SnapshotService>>,
rpc_stats: Option<Arc<RpcStats>>,
last_import: Mutex<Instant>,
skipped: AtomicUsize,
skipped_txs: AtomicUsize,
in_shutdown: AtomicBool,
last_report: Mutex<ClientReport>,
impl<T: InformantData> Informant<T> {
/// Make a new instance potentially `with_color` output.
pub fn new(
target: T,
snapshot: Option<Arc<SnapshotService>>,
rpc_stats: Option<Arc<RpcStats>>,
with_color: bool,
) -> Self {
Informant {
last_tick: RwLock::new(Instant::now()),
with_color: with_color,
target: target,
snapshot: snapshot,
rpc_stats: rpc_stats,
last_import: Mutex::new(Instant::now()),
skipped: AtomicUsize::new(0),
skipped_txs: AtomicUsize::new(0),
2016-12-11 02:02:40 +01:00
in_shutdown: AtomicBool::new(false),
last_report: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
2016-12-11 02:02:40 +01:00
/// Signal that we're shutting down; no more output necessary.
pub fn shutdown(&self) {, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn tick(&self) {
let now = Instant::now();
let elapsed = now.duration_since(*;
let (client_report, full_report) = {
2019-05-13 15:10:25 +02:00
let last_report = self.last_report.lock();
let full_report =;
let diffed = full_report.client_report.clone() - &*last_report;
(diffed, full_report)
let Report {
} = full_report;
let rpc_stats = self.rpc_stats.as_ref();
let snapshot_sync = sync_info.as_ref().map_or(false, |s| s.snapshot_sync) && self.snapshot.as_ref().map_or(false, |s|
match s.status() {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { .. } | RestorationStatus::Initializing { .. } => true,
_ => false,
if !importing && !snapshot_sync && elapsed < Duration::from_secs(30) {
*self.last_tick.write() = now;
*self.last_report.lock() = full_report.client_report.clone();
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
let paint = |c: Style, t: String| match self.with_color && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
true => format!("{}", c.paint(t)),
false => t,
info!(target: "import", "{} {} {} {}",
match importing {
true => match snapshot_sync {
false => format!("Syncing {} {} {} {}+{} Qed",
paint(White.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", chain_info.best_block_number))),
paint(White.bold(), format!("{}", chain_info.best_block_hash)),
if {
format!("{} blk/s {} tx/s {} Mgas/s",
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:7.2}", (client_report.blocks_imported * 1000) as f64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds() as f64)),
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:6.1}", (client_report.transactions_applied * 1000) as f64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds() as f64)),
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:6.1}", (client_report.gas_processed / 1000).low_u64() as f64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds() as f64))
} else {
format!("{} hdr/s",
paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:6.1}", (client_report.blocks_imported * 1000) as f64 / elapsed.as_milliseconds() as f64))
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:5}", queue_info.unverified_queue_size)),
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:5}", queue_info.verified_queue_size))
true => {
self.snapshot.as_ref().map_or(String::new(), |s|
match s.status() {
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { state_chunks, block_chunks, state_chunks_done, block_chunks_done } => {
format!("Syncing snapshot {}/{}", state_chunks_done + block_chunks_done, state_chunks + block_chunks)
RestorationStatus::Initializing { chunks_done, state_chunks, block_chunks } => {
let total_chunks = state_chunks + block_chunks;
// Note that the percentage here can be slightly misleading when
// they have chunks already on disk: we'll import the local
// chunks first and then download the rest.
format!("Snapshot initializing ({}/{} chunks restored, {:.0}%)", chunks_done, total_chunks, (chunks_done as f32 / total_chunks as f32) * 100.0)
RestorationStatus::Finalizing => {
format!("Snapshot finalization under way")
_ => String::new(),
false => String::new(),
match sync_info.as_ref() {
Some(ref sync_info) => format!("{}{}/{} peers",
match importing {
true => format!("{}",
if {
paint(Green.bold(), format!("{:>8} ", format!("#{}", sync_info.last_imported_block_number)))
} else {
false => match sync_info.last_imported_old_block_number {
Some(number) => format!("{} ", paint(Yellow.bold(), format!("{:>8}", format!("#{}", number)))),
None => String::new(),
paint(Cyan.bold(), format!("{:2}", sync_info.num_peers)),
paint(Cyan.bold(), format!("{:2}", sync_info.max_peers)),
_ => String::new(),
cache_sizes.display(Blue.bold(), &paint),
match rpc_stats {
Some(ref rpc_stats) => format!(
"RPC: {} conn, {} req/s, {} µs",
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:2}", rpc_stats.sessions())),
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:4}", rpc_stats.requests_rate())),
paint(Blue.bold(), format!("{:4}", rpc_stats.approximated_roundtrip())),
_ => String::new(),
impl ChainNotify for Informant<FullNodeInformantData> {
fn new_blocks(&self, new_blocks: NewBlocks) {
if new_blocks.has_more_blocks_to_import { return }
let mut last_import = self.last_import.lock();
let client = &;
let importing =;
let ripe = Instant::now() > *last_import + Duration::from_secs(1) && !importing;
let txs_imported = new_blocks.imported.iter()
.take(new_blocks.imported.len().saturating_sub(if ripe { 1 } else { 0 }))
.filter_map(|h| client.block(BlockId::Hash(*h)))
.map(|b| b.transactions_count())
if ripe {
if let Some(block) = new_blocks.imported.last().and_then(|h| client.block(BlockId::Hash(*h))) {
let header_view = block.header_view();
let size = block.rlp().as_raw().len();
let (skipped, skipped_txs) = (self.skipped.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) + new_blocks.imported.len() - 1, self.skipped_txs.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) + txs_imported);
info!(target: "import", "Imported {} {} ({} txs, {} Mgas, {} ms, {} KiB){}",
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("#{}", header_view.number())),
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", header_view.hash())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{}", block.transactions_count())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", header_view.gas_used().low_u64() as f32 / 1000000f32)),
Colour::Purple.bold().paint(format!("{}", new_blocks.duration.as_milliseconds())),
Colour::Blue.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", size as f32 / 1024f32)),
if skipped > 0 {
format!(" + another {} block(s) containing {} tx(s)",
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", skipped)),
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", skipped_txs))
} else {
);, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
*last_import = Instant::now();
} else {
self.skipped.fetch_add(new_blocks.imported.len(), AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
self.skipped_txs.fetch_add(txs_imported, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
impl LightChainNotify for Informant<LightNodeInformantData> {
fn new_headers(&self, good: &[H256]) {
let mut last_import = self.last_import.lock();
let client = &;
let importing =;
let ripe = Instant::now() > *last_import + Duration::from_secs(1) && !importing;
if ripe {
if let Some(header) = good.last().and_then(|h| client.block_header(BlockId::Hash(*h))) {
info!(target: "import", "Imported {} {} ({} Mgas){}",
Fix light client deadlock (#9385) This PR is fixing deadlock for #8918 It avoids some recursive calls on light_sync by making state check optional for Informant. The current behavior is to display the information when informant checks if block is major version. This change a bit the informant behavior, but not on most cases. To remember where and how this kind of deadlock are likely to happen (not seen with Parkinglot deadlock detection because it uses std condvar), I am adding a description of the deadlock. Also, for the reviewers there may be better solution than modifying the informant. ### Thread1 - ethcore/sync/light_sync/ A call to the light handler through any Io (having a loop of rpc query running on like client makes the dead lock way more likely). At the end of those calls we systematically call `maintain_sync` method. Here maintain_sync locks `state` (it is the deadlock cause), with a write purpose `maintain_sync` -> `begin_search` with the state locked open `begin_search` -> lightcliennt `flush_queue` method - ethcore/light/src/client/ `flush_queue` -> `flush` on queue (HeaderQueue aka VerificationQueue of headers) - ethcore/src/verification/queue/ Condition there is some unverified or verifying content `flush` wait on a condvar until the queue is empty. The only way to unlock condvar is that worker is empty and unlock it (so thread 2 is Verification worker). ### Thread2 A verification worker at the end of a verify loop (new block). - ethcore/src/verification/queue/ thread loops on `verify` method. End of loop condition is_ready -> Import the block immediately calls `set_sync` on QueueSignal which send a BlockVerified ClientIoMessage in inner channel (IoChannel of ClientIoMessage) using `send_sync` - util/io/src/ IoChannel `send_sync` method calls all handlers with `message` method; one of the handlers is ImportBlocks IoHandler (with a single inner Client service field) - ethcore/light/src/client/ `message` trigger inner method `import_verified` - core/light/src/client/ `import_verified` at the very end notify the listeners of a new_headers, one of the listeners is Informant `listener` method - parity/ `newHeaders` run up to call to `is_major_importing` on its target (again clinet) - ethcore/sync/src/light_sync/ Here `is_major_importing` tries to get state lock (read purpose only) but cannot because of previous state lock, thus deadlock
2018-09-04 16:36:34 +02:00
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("#{}", header.number())),
Colour::White.bold().paint(format!("{}", header.hash())),
Colour::Yellow.bold().paint(format!("{:.2}", header.gas_used().low_u64() as f32 / 1000000f32)),
if good.len() > 1 {
format!(" + another {} header(s)",
Colour::Red.bold().paint(format!("{}", good.len() - 1)))
} else {
*last_import = Instant::now();
2016-12-11 02:02:40 +01:00
const INFO_TIMER: TimerToken = 0;
impl<T: InformantData> IoHandler<ClientIoMessage> for Informant<T> {
fn initialize(&self, io: &IoContext<ClientIoMessage>) {
io.register_timer(INFO_TIMER, Duration::from_secs(5)).expect("Error registering timer");
fn timeout(&self, _io: &IoContext<ClientIoMessage>, timer: TimerToken) {
2016-12-11 02:02:40 +01:00
if timer == INFO_TIMER && !self.in_shutdown.load(AtomicOrdering::SeqCst) {