docs: update changelogs for 2.2.{8,9,10,11}, 2.3.{1,2,3,4,5}, and 2.4.0 (#10389)

* docs: move changelog 2-3 to docs/

* docs: fix changelog 2-3 path

* docs: add changelogs for 2.2.{8,9,10,11}

* docs: add changelogs for 2.3.{1,2,3,4}

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update
This commit is contained in:
5chdn 2019-03-07 21:11:58 +01:00 committed by soc1c
parent 742a6007fe
commit ab27848dc4
3 changed files with 438 additions and 152 deletions

View File

@ -1,162 +1,118 @@
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.0]( (2019-01-16) ## Parity-Ethereum [v2.4.0]( (2019-02-25)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.0-beta is a consensus-relevant security release that reverts Constantinople on the Ethereum network. Upgrading is mandatory for Ethereum, and strongly recommended for other networks. Parity-Ethereum 2.4.0-beta is our trifortnightly minor version release coming with a lot of new features as well as bugfixes and performance improvements.
- **Consensus** - Ethereum Network: Pull Constantinople protocol upgrade on Ethereum (#10189) Notable changes:
- Read more: [Security Alert: Ethereum Constantinople Postponement]( - Account management is now deprecated ([#10213](
- **Networking** - All networks: Ping nodes from discovery (#10167) - Local accounts can now be specified via CLI ([#9960](
- **Wasm** - Kovan Network: Update pwasm-utils to 0.6.1 (#10134) - Chains can now be reset to a particular block via CLI ([#9782](
- Ethash now additionally implements ProgPoW ([#9762](
Other notable changes: - The `eip1283DisableTransition` flag was added to revert EIP-1283 ([#10214](
- Existing blocks in the database are now kept when restoring a Snapshot. (#8643)
- Block and transaction propagation is improved significantly. (#9954)
- The ERC-191 Signed Data Standard is now supported by `personal_sign191`. (#9701)
- Add support for ERC-191/712 `eth_signTypedData` as a standard for machine-verifiable and human-readable typed data signing with Ethereum keys. (#9631)
- Add support for ERC-1186 `eth_getProof` (#9001)
- Add experimental RPCs flag to enable ERC-191, ERC-712, and ERC-1186 APIs via `--jsonrpc-experimental` (#9928)
- Make `CALLCODE` to trace value to be the code address. (#9881)
Configuration changes:
- The EIP-98 transition is now disabled by default. If you previously had no `eip98transition` specified in your chain specification, you would enable this now manually on block `0x0`. (#9955)
- Also, unknown fields in chain specs are now rejected. (#9972)
- The Tendermint engine was removed from Parity Ethereum and is no longer available and maintained. (#9980)
- Ropsten testnet data and keys moved from `test/` to `ropsten/` subdir. To reuse your old keys and data either copy or symlink them to the new location. (#10123)
- Strict empty steps validation (#10041)
- If you have a chain with`empty_steps` already running, some blocks most likely contain non-strict entries (unordered or duplicated empty steps). In this release `strict_empty_steps_transition` is enabled by default at block `0x0` for any chain with `empty_steps`.
- If your network uses `empty_steps` you **must** (A) plan a hard fork and change `strict_empty_steps_transition` to the desired fork block and (B) update the clients of the whole network to 2.2.7-stable / 2.3.0-beta. If for some reason you don't want to do this please set`strict_empty_steps_transition` to `0xfffffffff` to disable it.
_Note:_ This release marks Parity 2.3 as _beta_. All versions of Parity 2.2 are now considered _stable_.
The full list of included changes: The full list of included changes:
- More Backports for Beta 2.4.0 ([#10431](
- Backports for 2.3.0 beta ([#10164]( - Revert some changes, could be buggy ([#10399](
- Snap: fix path in script ([#10157]( - Ci: clean up gitlab-ci.yml leftovers from previous merge ([#10429](
- Make sure parent block is not in importing queue when importing ancient blocks ([#10138]( - 10000 > 5000 ([#10422](
- Ci: re-enable snap publishing ([#10142]( - Fix underflow in pip, closes [#10419]( ([#10423](
- Hf in POA Core (2019-01-18) - Constantinople ([#10155]( - Fix panic when logging directory does not exist, closes [#10420]( ([#10424](
- Update EWF's tobalaba chainspec ([#10152]( - Update hardcoded headers for Foundation, Ropsten, Kovan and Classic ([#10417](
- Replace ethcore-logger with env-logger. ([#10102]( - Backports for Beta 2.4.0 ([#10416](
- Finality: dont require chain head to be in the chain ([#10054]( - No-git for publish jobs, empty artifacts dir ([#10393](
- Remove caching for node connections ([#10143]( - Snap: reenable i386, arm64, armhf architecture publishing ([#10386](
- Blooms file iterator empty on out of range position. ([#10145]( - Tx pool: always accept local transactions ([#10375](
- Autogen docs for the "Configuring Parity Ethereum" wiki page. ([#10067]( - Fix to_pod storage trie value decoding ([#10368](
- Misc: bump license header to 2019 ([#10135]( - Version: mark 2.4.0 beta
- Hide most of the logs from cpp example. ([#10139]( - Update to latest mem-db, hash-db and trie-db. ([#10314](
- Don't try to send oversized packets ([#10042]( - Tx pool: always accept local transactions ([#10375](
- Private tx enabled flag added into STATUS packet ([#9999]( - Fix(trace_main! macro): don't re-export ([#10384](
- Update pwasm-utils to 0.6.1 ([#10134]( - Exchanged old(azure) bootnodes with new(ovh) ones ([#10309](
- Extract blockchain from ethcore ([#10114]( - Ethash: implement Progpow ([#9762](
- Ethcore: update hardcoded headers ([#10123]( - Snap: add the removable-media plug ([#10377](
- Identity fix ([#10128]( - Add message to IO errors ([#10324](
- Use LenCachingMutex to optimize verification. ([#10117]( - Chore(bump parity-daemonize): require rust >= 1.31 ([#10359](
- Pyethereum keystore support ([#9710]( - Secretstore: use in-memory transport in cluster tests ([#9850](
- Bump rocksdb-sys to 0.5.5 ([#10124]( - Add fields to `memzero`'s Cargo.toml ([#10362](
- Parity-clib: `async C bindings to RPC requests` + `subscribe/unsubscribe to websocket events` ([#9920]( - Snap: release untagged versions from branches to the candidate snap channel ([#10357](
- Refactor (hardware wallet) : reduce the number of threads ([#9644]( - Fix(compilation warns): `no-default-features` ([#10346](
- Hf in POA Sokol (2019-01-04) ([#10077]( - No volumes are needed, just run -v volume:/path/in/the/container ([#10345](
- Fix broken links ([#10119]( - Fixed misstype ([#10351](
- Follow-up to [#10105]( ([#10107]( - Snap: prefix version and populate candidate channel ([#10343](
- Move EIP-712 crate back to parity-ethereum ([#10106]( - Bundle protocol and packet_id together in chain sync ([#10315](
- Move a bunch of stuff around ([#10101]( - Role back docker build image and docker deploy image to ubuntu:xenial… ([#10338](
- Revert "Add --frozen when running cargo ([#10081](" ([#10105]( - Change docker image based on debian instead of ubuntu due to the chan… ([#10336](
- Fix left over small grumbles on whitespaces ([#10084]( - Don't add discovery initiators to the node table ([#10305](
- Add --frozen when running cargo ([#10081]( - Fix(docker): fix not receives SIGINT ([#10059](
- Fix pubsub new_blocks notifications to include all blocks ([#9987]( - Snap: official image / test ([#10168](
- Update some dependencies for compilation with pc-windows-gnu ([#10082]( - Fix(add helper for timestamp overflows) ([#10330](
- Fill transaction hash on ethGetLog of light client. ([#9938]( - Additional error for invalid gas ([#10327](
- Update changelog update for 2.2.5-beta and 2.1.10-stable ([#10064]( - Revive parity_setMinGasPrice RPC call ([#10294](
- Implement len caching for parking_lot RwLock ([#10032]( - Add Statetest support for Constantinople Fix ([#10323](
- Update parking_lot to 0.7 ([#10050]( - Fix(parity-clib): grumbles that were not addressed in [#9920]( ([#10154](
- Bump crossbeam. ([#10048]( - Fix(light-rpc): Make `light_sync` generic ([#10238](
- Ethcore: enable constantinople on ethereum ([#10031]( - Fix publish job ([#10317](
- Strict empty steps validation ([#10041]( - Secure WS-RPC: grant access to all apis ([#10246](
- Center the Subtitle, use some CAPS ([#10034]( - Make specification of protocol in SyncRequester::send_request explicit ([#10295](
- Change test miner max memory to malloc reports. ([#10024]( - Fix: parity-clib/examples/cpp/CMakeLists.txt ([#10313](
- Sort the storage for private state ([#10018]( - Ci optimizations ([#10297](
- Fix: test corpus_inaccessible panic ([#10019]( - Increase number of requested block bodies in chain sync ([#10247](
- Ci: move future releases to ethereum subdir on s3 ([#10017]( - Deprecate account management ([#10213](
- Light(on_demand): decrease default time window to 10 secs ([#10016]( - Properly handle check_epoch_end_signal errors ([#10015](
- Light client : failsafe crate (circuit breaker) ([#9790]( - Fix(osx and windows builds): bump parity-daemonize ([#10291](
- Lencachingmutex ([#9988]( - Add missing step for Using `systemd` service file ([#10175](
- Version and notification for private contract wrapper added ([#9761]( - Call private contract methods from another private contract (read-onl… ([#10086](
- Handle failing case for update account cache in require ([#9989]( - Update ring to 0.14 ([#10262](
- Add tokio runtime to ethcore io worker ([#9979]( - Fix(secret-store): deprecation warning ([#10301](
- Move daemonize before creating account provider ([#10003]( - Update to jsonrpc-derive 10.0.2, fixes aliases bug ([#10300](
- Docs: update changelogs ([#9990]( - Convert to jsonrpc-derive, use jsonrpc-* from ([#10298](
- Fix daemonize ([#10000]( - Fix Windows build ([#10284](
- Fix Bloom migration ([#9992]( - Don't run the CPP example on CI ([#10285](
- Remove tendermint engine support ([#9980]( - Additional tests for uint deserialization. ([#10279](
- Calculate gas for deployment transaction ([#9840]( - Prevent silent errors in daemon mode ([#10007](
- Fix unstable peers and slowness in sync ([#9967]( - Fix join-set test to be deterministic. ([#10263](
- Adds parity_verifySignature RPC method ([#9507]( - Update ([#10254](
- Improve block and transaction propagation ([#9954]( - Macos heapsize force jemalloc ([#10234](
- Deny unknown fields for chainspec ([#9972]( - Allow specifying local accounts via CLI ([#9960](
- Fix docker build ([#9971]( - Take in account zero gas price certification when doing transact_cont… ([#10232](
- Ci: rearrange pipeline by logic ([#9970]( - Update ([#10249](
- Add changelogs for 2.0.9, 2.1.4, 2.1.6, and 2.2.1 ([#9963]( - Fix typo: CHANGELOG-2.1 -> CHANGELOG-2.2 ([#10233](
- Add Error message when sync is still in progress. ([#9475]( - Update copyright year to 2019. ([#10181](
- Make CALLCODE to trace value to be the code address ([#9881]( - Fixed: types::transaction::SignedTransaction; ([#10229](
- Fix light client informant while syncing ([#9932]( - Fix(ManageNetwork): replace Range with RangeInclusive ([#10209](
- Add a optional json dump state to evm-bin ([#9706]( - Import rpc transactions sequentially ([#10051](
- Disable EIP-98 transition by default ([#9955]( - Enable St-Peters-Fork ("Constantinople Fix") ([#10223](
- Remove secret_store runtimes. ([#9888]( - Add EIP-1283 disable transition ([#10214](
- Fix a deadlock ([#9952]( - Echo CORS request headers by default ([#10221](
- Chore(eip712): remove unused `failure-derive` ([#9958]( - Happy New Year! ([#10211](
- Do not use the home directory as the working dir in docker ([#9834]( - Perform stripping during build ([#10208](
- Prevent silent errors in daemon mode, closes [#9367]( ([#9946]( - Remove CallContract and RegistryInfo re-exports from `ethcore/client` ([#10205](
- Fix empty steps ([#9939]( - Extract CallContract and RegistryInfo traits into their own crate ([#10178](
- Adjust requests costs for light client ([#9925]( - Update the changelogs for 2.1.11, 2.2.6, 2.2.7, and 2.3.0 ([#10197](
- Eip-1186: add `eth_getProof` RPC-Method ([#9001]( - Cancel Constantinople HF on POA Core ([#10198](
- Missing blocks in filter_changes RPC ([#9947]( - Adds cli interface to allow reseting chain to a particular block ([#9782](
- Allow rust-nightly builds fail in nightly builds ([#9944]( - Run all `igd` methods in its own thread ([#10195](
- Update eth-secp256k1 to include fix for BSDs ([#9935]( - Pull constantinople on ethereum network ([#10189](
- Unbreak build on rust -stable ([#9934]( - Update for Android cross-compilation. ([#10180](
- Keep existing blocks when restoring a Snapshot ([#8643]( - Version: bump fork blocks for kovan and foundation ([#10186](
- Add experimental RPCs flag ([#9928]( - Handle the case for contract creation on an empty but exist account w… ([#10065](
- Clarify poll lifetime ([#9922]( - Align personal_unlockAccount behaviour when permanent unlock is disab… ([#10060](
- Docs(require rust 1.30) ([#9923]( - Drop `runtime` after others (especially `ws_server`) ([#10179](
- Use block header for building finality ([#9914]( - Version: bump nightly to 2.4 ([#10165](
- Simplify cargo audit ([#9918]( - Skip locking in statedb for non-canon blocks ([#10141](
- Light-fetch: Differentiate between out-of-gas/manual throw and use required gas from response on failure ([#9824]( - Remove reference to ui-interface command-line option ([#10170](
- Eip 191 ([#9701]( - Fix [#9822]( trace_filter does not return failed contract creation ([#10140](
- Fix(logger): `reqwest` no longer a dependency ([#9908]( - Fix _cannot recursively call into `Core`_ issue ([#10144](
- Remove rust-toolchain file ([#9906]( - Fix(whisper): correct PoW calculation ([#10166](
- Foundation: 6692865, ropsten: 4417537, kovan: 9363457 ([#9907]( - Bump JSON-RPC ([#10151](
- Ethcore: use Machine::verify_transaction on parent block ([#9900]( - Ping nodes from discovery ([#10167](
- Chore(rpc-tests): remove unused rand ([#9896]( - Fix(android): remove dependency to libusb ([#10161](
- Fix: Intermittent failing CI due to addr in use ([#9885]( - Refactor(trim_right_matches -> trim_end_matches) ([#10159](
- Chore(bump docopt): 0.8 -> 1.0 ([#9889]( - Merge Machine and WithRewards ([#10071](
- Use expect ([#9883](
- Use Weak reference in PubSubClient ([#9886](
- Ci: nuke the gitlab caches ([#9855](
- Remove unused code ([#9884](
- Fix json tracer overflow ([#9873](
- Allow to seal work on latest block ([#9876](
- Fix docker script ([#9854](
- Health endpoint ([#9847](
- Gitlab-ci: make android release build succeed ([#9743](
- Clean up existing benchmarks ([#9839](
- Update Callisto block reward code to support HF1 ([#9811](
- Option to disable keep alive for JSON-RPC http transport ([#9848](
- Classic.json Bootnode Update ([#9828](
- Support MIX. ([#9767](
- Ci: remove failing tests for android, windows, and macos ([#9788](
- Implement NoProof for json tests and update tests reference (replaces [#9744]( ([#9814](
- Chore(bump regex) ([#9842](
- Ignore global cache for patched accounts ([#9752](
- Move state root verification before gas used ([#9841](
- Fix(docker-aarch64) : cross-compile config ([#9798](
- Version: bump nightly to 2.3.0 ([#9819](
- Tests modification for windows CI ([#9671](
- Eip-712 implementation ([#9631](
- Fix typo ([#9826](
- Clean up serde rename and use rename_all = camelCase when possible ([#9823](
## Previous releases ## Previous releases
- [CHANGELOG-2.2](docs/ (_stable_) - [CHANGELOG-2.3](docs/ (_stable_)
- [CHANGELOG-2.2](docs/ (EOL: 2019-02-25)
- [CHANGELOG-2.1](docs/ (EOL: 2019-01-16) - [CHANGELOG-2.1](docs/ (EOL: 2019-01-16)
- [CHANGELOG-2.0](docs/ (EOL: 2018-11-15) - [CHANGELOG-2.0](docs/ (EOL: 2018-11-15)
- [CHANGELOG-1.11](docs/ (EOL: 2018-09-19) - [CHANGELOG-1.11](docs/ (EOL: 2018-09-19)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,78 @@
Note: Parity Ethereum 2.2 reached End-of-Life on 2019-02-25 (EOL).
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.2.11]( (2019-02-21)
Parity-Ethereum 2.2.11-stable is a maintenance release that fixes snap and docker installations.
The full list of included changes:
- Stable: snap: release untagged versions from branches to the candidate ([#10357]( ([#10372](
- Snap: release untagged versions from branches to the candidate snap channel ([#10357](
- Snap: add the removable-media plug ([#10377](
- Exchanged old(azure) bootnodes with new(ovh) ones ([#10309](
- Stable Backports ([#10353](
- Version: bump stable to 2.2.11
- Snap: prefix version and populate candidate channel ([#10343](
- Snap: populate candidate releases with beta snaps to avoid stale channel
- Snap: prefix version with v*
- No volumes are needed, just run -v volume:/path/in/the/container ([#10345](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.2.10]( (2019-02-13)
Parity-Ethereum 2.2.10-stable is a security-relevant release. A bug in the JSONRPC-deserialization module can cause crashes of all versions of Parity Ethereum nodes if an attacker is able to submit a specially-crafted RPC to certain publicly available endpoints.
The full list of included changes:
- Additional error for invalid gas ([#10327]( ([#10329](
- Backports for Stable 2.2.10 ([#10332](
- fix(docker-aarch64) : cross-compile config ([#9798](
- import rpc transactions sequentially ([#10051](
- fix(docker): fix not receives SIGINT ([#10059](
- snap: official image / test ([#10168](
- perform stripping during build ([#10208](
- Additional tests for uint/hash/bytes deserialization. ([#10279](
- Don't run the CPP example on CI ([#10285](
- CI optimizations ([#10297](
- fix publish job ([#10317](
- Add Statetest support for Constantinople Fix ([#10323](
- Add helper for Timestamp overflows ([#10330](
- Don't add discovery initiators to the node table ([#10305](
- change docker image based on debian instead of ubuntu due to the chan ([#10336](
- role back docker build image and docker deploy image to ubuntu:xenial based ([#10338](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.2.9]( (2019-02-03)
Parity-Ethereum 2.2.9-stable is a security-relevant release. A bug in the JSONRPC-deserialization module can cause crashes of all versions of Parity Ethereum nodes if an attacker is able to submit a specially-crafted RPC to certain publicly available endpoints.
The full list of included changes:
- Additional tests for uint deserialization. ([#10279]( ([#10281](
- Version: bump stable to 2.2.9 ([#10282](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.2.8]( (2019-02-01)
Parity-Ethereum 2.2.8-stable is a consensus-relevant release that enables _St. Petersfork_ on:
- Ethereum Block `7280000` (along with Constantinople)
- Kovan Block `10255201`
- Ropsten Block `4939394`
- POA Sokol Block `7026400`
In addition to this, Constantinople is cancelled for the POA Core network. Upgrading is mandatory for clients on any of these chains.
The full list of included changes:
- Backports for stable 2.2.8 ([#10224](
- Update for Android cross-compilation. ([#10180](
- Cancel Constantinople HF on POA Core ([#10198](
- Add EIP-1283 disable transition ([#10214](
- Enable St-Peters-Fork ("Constantinople Fix") ([#10223](
- Stable: Macos heapsize force jemalloc ([#10234]( ([#10258](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.2.7]( (2019-01-15) ## Parity-Ethereum [v2.2.7]( (2019-01-15)
Parity-Ethereum 2.2.7-stable is a consensus-relevant security release that reverts Constantinople on the Ethereum network. Upgrading is mandatory for Ethereum, and strongly recommended for other networks. Parity-Ethereum 2.2.7-stable is a consensus-relevant security release that reverts Constantinople on the Ethereum network. Upgrading is mandatory for Ethereum, and strongly recommended for other networks.

docs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.5]( (2019-02-25)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.5-stable is a bugfix release that improves performance and stability.
Note, all 2.2 releases and older are now unsupported and upgrading is recommended.
The full list of included changes:
- More Backports for Stable 2.3.5 ([#10430](
- Revert some changes, could be buggy ([#10399](
- Ci: clean up gitlab-ci.yml leftovers from previous merge ([#10429](
- 10000 > 5000 ([#10422](
- Fix underflow in pip, closes [#10419]( ([#10423](
- Fix panic when logging directory does not exist, closes [#10420]( ([#10424](
- Update hardcoded headers for Foundation, Ropsten, Kovan and Classic ([#10417](
- Backports for Stable 2.3.5 ([#10414](
- No-git for publish jobs, empty artifacts dir ([#10393](
- Snap: reenable i386, arm64, armhf architecture publishing ([#10386](
- Tx pool: always accept local transactions ([#10375](
- Fix to_pod storage trie value decoding ([#10368)](
- Version: mark 2.3.5 as stable
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.4]( (2019-02-21)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.4-beta is a maintenance release that fixes snap and docker installations.
The full list of included changes:
- Beta: snap: release untagged versions from branches to the candidate ([#10357]( ([#10373](
- Snap: release untagged versions from branches to the candidate snap channel ([#10357](
- Snap: add the removable-media plug ([#10377](
- Exchanged old(azure) bootnodes with new(ovh) ones ([#10309](
- Beta Backports ([#10354](
- Version: bump beta to 2.3.4
- Snap: prefix version and populate candidate channel ([#10343](
- Snap: populate candidate releases with beta snaps to avoid stale channel
- Snap: prefix version with v*
- No volumes are needed, just run -v volume:/path/in/the/container ([#10345](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.3]( (2019-02-13)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.3-beta is a security-relevant release. A bug in the JSONRPC-deserialization module can cause crashes of all versions of Parity Ethereum nodes if an attacker is able to submit a specially-crafted RPC to certain publicly available endpoints.
The full list of included changes:
- Additional error for invalid gas ([#10327]( ([#10328](
- Backports for Beta 2.3.3 ([#10333](
- Properly handle check_epoch_end_signal errors ([#10015](
- import rpc transactions sequentially ([#10051](
- fix(docker): fix not receives SIGINT ([#10059](
- snap: official image / test ([#10168](
- Extract CallContract and RegistryInfo traits into their own crate ([#10178](
- perform stripping during build ([#10208](
- Remove CallContract and RegistryInfo re-exports from `ethcore/client` ([#10205](
- fixed: types::transaction::SignedTransaction; ([#10229](
- Additional tests for uint/hash/bytes deserialization. ([#10279](
- Fix Windows build ([#10284](
- Don't run the CPP example on CI ([#10285](
- CI optimizations ([#10297](
- fix publish job ([#10317](
- Add Statetest support for Constantinople Fix ([#10323](
- Add helper for Timestamp overflows ([#10330](
- Don't add discovery initiators to the node table ([#10305](
- change docker image based on debian instead of ubuntu due to the chan ([#10336](
- role back docker build image and docker deploy image to ubuntu:xenial based ([#10338](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.2]( (2019-02-03)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.2-stable is a security-relevant release. A bug in the JSONRPC-deserialization module can cause crashes of all versions of Parity Ethereum nodes if an attacker is able to submit a specially-crafted RPC to certain publicly available endpoints.
The full list of included changes:
- Version: bump beta to 2.3.2 ([#10283](
- Additional tests for uint deserialization. ([#10279]( ([#10280](
- Backport [#10285]( to beta ([#10286](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.1]( (2019-02-01)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.1-beta is a consensus-relevant release that enables _St. Petersfork_ on:
- Ethereum Block `7280000` (along with Constantinople)
- Kovan Block `10255201`
- Ropsten Block `4939394`
- POA Sokol Block `7026400`
In addition to this, Constantinople is cancelled for the POA Core network. Upgrading is mandatory for clients on any of these chains.
The full list of included changes:
- Backports for beta 2.3.1 ([#10225](
- Fix _cannot recursively call into `Core`_ issue ([#10144](
- Update for Android cross-compilation. ([#10180](
- Fix _cannot recursively call into `Core`_ - Part 2 ([#10195](
- Cancel Constantinople HF on POA Core ([#10198](
- Add EIP-1283 disable transition ([#10214](
- Enable St-Peters-Fork ("Constantinople Fix") ([#10223](
- Beta: Macos heapsize force jemalloc ([#10234]( ([#10259](
## Parity-Ethereum [v2.3.0]( (2019-01-16)
Parity-Ethereum 2.3.0-beta is a consensus-relevant security release that reverts Constantinople on the Ethereum network. Upgrading is mandatory for Ethereum, and strongly recommended for other networks.
- **Consensus** - Ethereum Network: Pull Constantinople protocol upgrade on Ethereum ([#10189](
- Read more: [Security Alert: Ethereum Constantinople Postponement](
- **Networking** - All networks: Ping nodes from discovery ([#10167](
- **Wasm** - Kovan Network: Update pwasm-utils to 0.6.1 ([#10134](
Other notable changes:
- Existing blocks in the database are now kept when restoring a Snapshot. ([#8643](
- Block and transaction propagation is improved significantly. ([#9954](
- The ERC-191 Signed Data Standard is now supported by `personal_sign191`. ([#9701](
- Add support for ERC-191/712 `eth_signTypedData` as a standard for machine-verifiable and human-readable typed data signing with Ethereum keys. ([#9631](
- Add support for ERC-1186 `eth_getProof` ([#9001](
- Add experimental RPCs flag to enable ERC-191, ERC-712, and ERC-1186 APIs via `--jsonrpc-experimental` ([#9928](
- Make `CALLCODE` to trace value to be the code address. ([#9881](
Configuration changes:
- The EIP-98 transition is now disabled by default. If you previously had no `eip98transition` specified in your chain specification, you would enable this now manually on block `0x0`. ([#9955](
- Also, unknown fields in chain specs are now rejected. ([#9972](
- The Tendermint engine was removed from Parity Ethereum and is no longer available and maintained. ([#9980](
- Ropsten testnet data and keys moved from `test/` to `ropsten/` subdir. To reuse your old keys and data either copy or symlink them to the new location. ([#10123](
- Strict empty steps validation ([#10041](
- If you have a chain with`empty_steps` already running, some blocks most likely contain non-strict entries (unordered or duplicated empty steps). In this release `strict_empty_steps_transition` is enabled by default at block `0x0` for any chain with `empty_steps`.
- If your network uses `empty_steps` you **must** (A) plan a hard fork and change `strict_empty_steps_transition` to the desired fork block and (B) update the clients of the whole network to 2.2.7-stable / 2.3.0-beta. If for some reason you don't want to do this please set`strict_empty_steps_transition` to `0xfffffffff` to disable it.
_Note:_ This release marks Parity 2.3 as _beta_. All versions of Parity 2.2 are now considered _stable_.
The full list of included changes:
- Backports for 2.3.0 beta ([#10164](
- Snap: fix path in script ([#10157](
- Make sure parent block is not in importing queue when importing ancient blocks ([#10138](
- Ci: re-enable snap publishing ([#10142](
- Hf in POA Core (2019-01-18) - Constantinople ([#10155](
- Update EWF's tobalaba chainspec ([#10152](
- Replace ethcore-logger with env-logger. ([#10102](
- Finality: dont require chain head to be in the chain ([#10054](
- Remove caching for node connections ([#10143](
- Blooms file iterator empty on out of range position. ([#10145](
- Autogen docs for the "Configuring Parity Ethereum" wiki page. ([#10067](
- Misc: bump license header to 2019 ([#10135](
- Hide most of the logs from cpp example. ([#10139](
- Don't try to send oversized packets ([#10042](
- Private tx enabled flag added into STATUS packet ([#9999](
- Update pwasm-utils to 0.6.1 ([#10134](
- Extract blockchain from ethcore ([#10114](
- Ethcore: update hardcoded headers ([#10123](
- Identity fix ([#10128](
- Use LenCachingMutex to optimize verification. ([#10117](
- Pyethereum keystore support ([#9710](
- Bump rocksdb-sys to 0.5.5 ([#10124](
- Parity-clib: `async C bindings to RPC requests` + `subscribe/unsubscribe to websocket events` ([#9920](
- Refactor (hardware wallet) : reduce the number of threads ([#9644](
- Hf in POA Sokol (2019-01-04) ([#10077](
- Fix broken links ([#10119](
- Follow-up to [#10105]( ([#10107](
- Move EIP-712 crate back to parity-ethereum ([#10106](
- Move a bunch of stuff around ([#10101](
- Revert "Add --frozen when running cargo ([#10081](" ([#10105](
- Fix left over small grumbles on whitespaces ([#10084](
- Add --frozen when running cargo ([#10081](
- Fix pubsub new_blocks notifications to include all blocks ([#9987](
- Update some dependencies for compilation with pc-windows-gnu ([#10082](
- Fill transaction hash on ethGetLog of light client. ([#9938](
- Update changelog update for 2.2.5-beta and 2.1.10-stable ([#10064](
- Implement len caching for parking_lot RwLock ([#10032](
- Update parking_lot to 0.7 ([#10050](
- Bump crossbeam. ([#10048](
- Ethcore: enable constantinople on ethereum ([#10031](
- Strict empty steps validation ([#10041](
- Center the Subtitle, use some CAPS ([#10034](
- Change test miner max memory to malloc reports. ([#10024](
- Sort the storage for private state ([#10018](
- Fix: test corpus_inaccessible panic ([#10019](
- Ci: move future releases to ethereum subdir on s3 ([#10017](
- Light(on_demand): decrease default time window to 10 secs ([#10016](
- Light client : failsafe crate (circuit breaker) ([#9790](
- Lencachingmutex ([#9988](
- Version and notification for private contract wrapper added ([#9761](
- Handle failing case for update account cache in require ([#9989](
- Add tokio runtime to ethcore io worker ([#9979](
- Move daemonize before creating account provider ([#10003](
- Docs: update changelogs ([#9990](
- Fix daemonize ([#10000](
- Fix Bloom migration ([#9992](
- Remove tendermint engine support ([#9980](
- Calculate gas for deployment transaction ([#9840](
- Fix unstable peers and slowness in sync ([#9967](
- Adds parity_verifySignature RPC method ([#9507](
- Improve block and transaction propagation ([#9954](
- Deny unknown fields for chainspec ([#9972](
- Fix docker build ([#9971](
- Ci: rearrange pipeline by logic ([#9970](
- Add changelogs for 2.0.9, 2.1.4, 2.1.6, and 2.2.1 ([#9963](
- Add Error message when sync is still in progress. ([#9475](
- Make CALLCODE to trace value to be the code address ([#9881](
- Fix light client informant while syncing ([#9932](
- Add a optional json dump state to evm-bin ([#9706](
- Disable EIP-98 transition by default ([#9955](
- Remove secret_store runtimes. ([#9888](
- Fix a deadlock ([#9952](
- Chore(eip712): remove unused `failure-derive` ([#9958](
- Do not use the home directory as the working dir in docker ([#9834](
- Prevent silent errors in daemon mode, closes [#9367]( ([#9946](
- Fix empty steps ([#9939](
- Adjust requests costs for light client ([#9925](
- Eip-1186: add `eth_getProof` RPC-Method ([#9001](
- Missing blocks in filter_changes RPC ([#9947](
- Allow rust-nightly builds fail in nightly builds ([#9944](
- Update eth-secp256k1 to include fix for BSDs ([#9935](
- Unbreak build on rust -stable ([#9934](
- Keep existing blocks when restoring a Snapshot ([#8643](
- Add experimental RPCs flag ([#9928](
- Clarify poll lifetime ([#9922](
- Docs(require rust 1.30) ([#9923](
- Use block header for building finality ([#9914](
- Simplify cargo audit ([#9918](
- Light-fetch: Differentiate between out-of-gas/manual throw and use required gas from response on failure ([#9824](
- Eip 191 ([#9701](
- Fix(logger): `reqwest` no longer a dependency ([#9908](
- Remove rust-toolchain file ([#9906](
- Foundation: 6692865, ropsten: 4417537, kovan: 9363457 ([#9907](
- Ethcore: use Machine::verify_transaction on parent block ([#9900](
- Chore(rpc-tests): remove unused rand ([#9896](
- Fix: Intermittent failing CI due to addr in use ([#9885](
- Chore(bump docopt): 0.8 -> 1.0 ([#9889](
- Use expect ([#9883](
- Use Weak reference in PubSubClient ([#9886](
- Ci: nuke the gitlab caches ([#9855](
- Remove unused code ([#9884](
- Fix json tracer overflow ([#9873](
- Allow to seal work on latest block ([#9876](
- Fix docker script ([#9854](
- Health endpoint ([#9847](
- Gitlab-ci: make android release build succeed ([#9743](
- Clean up existing benchmarks ([#9839](
- Update Callisto block reward code to support HF1 ([#9811](
- Option to disable keep alive for JSON-RPC http transport ([#9848](
- Classic.json Bootnode Update ([#9828](
- Support MIX. ([#9767](
- Ci: remove failing tests for android, windows, and macos ([#9788](
- Implement NoProof for json tests and update tests reference (replaces [#9744]( ([#9814](
- Chore(bump regex) ([#9842](
- Ignore global cache for patched accounts ([#9752](
- Move state root verification before gas used ([#9841](
- Fix(docker-aarch64) : cross-compile config ([#9798](
- Version: bump nightly to 2.3.0 ([#9819](
- Tests modification for windows CI ([#9671](
- Eip-712 implementation ([#9631](
- Fix typo ([#9826](
- Clean up serde rename and use rename_all = camelCase when possible ([#9823](