Robert Habermeier 99075ad22a Initial Whisper implementation (#6009)
* whisper skeleton

* basic message store

* rallying and message logic

* pass host info to network protocol handlers

* choose who starts rally based on node key

* module reshuffling

* mining messages

* prune messages by low PoW until below size target

* associated error type for ethkey generators and `OsRng` generator

* beginnings of RPC

* generic message handler for whisper

* reshuffle code order

* standard payload encoding and decoding

* basic crypto

* minor restructuring of net code

* implement shh_post

* merge?

* implement filters

* rand trait for hash types

* filter RPCs for whisper

* symmetric encryption of payload

* pub-sub

* filter tests

* use only secure random IDs

* attach arbitrary protocols to network

* basic integration of whisper into Parity

* eagerly prune low PoW entries

* broadcast messages with salted topics

* node info RPC

* fix import

* fix leading zeros calculation

* address minor grumbles
2017-07-14 20:40:28 +02:00

639 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Whisper messaging system as a DevP2P subprotocol.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use std::sync::Arc;
use bigint::hash::{H256, H512};
use network::{HostInfo, NetworkContext, NetworkError, NodeId, PeerId, TimerToken};
use ordered_float::OrderedFloat;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use rlp::{DecoderError, RlpStream, UntrustedRlp};
use message::{Message, Error as MessageError};
const RALLY_TOKEN: TimerToken = 1;
const RALLY_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 750; // supposed to be at least once per second.
const PROTOCOL_VERSION: usize = 2;
/// Supported protocol versions.
pub const SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: &'static [u8] = &[PROTOCOL_VERSION as u8];
// maximum tolerated delay between messages packets.
const MAX_TOLERATED_DELAY_MS: u64 = 2000;
/// Number of packets.
pub const PACKET_COUNT: u8 = 3;
mod packet {
pub const STATUS: u8 = 0;
pub const MESSAGES: u8 = 1;
pub const TOPIC_FILTER: u8 = 2;
/// Handles messages within a single packet.
pub trait MessageHandler: Send + Sync {
/// Evaluate the message and handle it.
/// The same message will not be passed twice.
/// Heavy handling should be done asynchronously.
/// If there is a significant overhead in this thread, then an attacker
/// can determine which kinds of messages we are listening for.
fn handle_messages(&self, message: &[Message]);
// errors in importing a whisper message.
enum Error {
impl From<DecoderError> for Error {
fn from(err: DecoderError) -> Self {
impl From<NetworkError> for Error {
fn from(err: NetworkError) -> Self {
impl From<MessageError> for Error {
fn from(err: MessageError) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Error::Decoder(ref err) => write!(f, "Failed to decode packet: {}", err),
Error::Network(ref err) => write!(f, "Network error: {}", err),
Error::Message(ref err) => write!(f, "Error decoding message: {}", err),
Error::UnknownPacket(ref id) => write!(f, "Unknown packet kind: {}", id),
Error::UnknownPeer(ref id) => write!(f, "Message received from unknown peer: {}", id),
Error::ProtocolVersionMismatch(ref proto) =>
write!(f, "Unknown protocol version: {}", proto),
Error::UnexpectedMessage => write!(f, "Unexpected message."),
Error::SameNodeKey => write!(f, "Peer and us have same node key."),
// sorts by work proved, descending.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct SortedEntry {
slab_id: usize,
work_proved: OrderedFloat<f64>,
expiry: SystemTime,
impl Ord for SortedEntry {
fn cmp(&self, other: &SortedEntry) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for SortedEntry {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &SortedEntry) -> Option<Ordering> {
// stores messages by two metrics: expiry and PoW rating
// when full, will accept messages above the minimum stored.
struct Messages {
slab: ::slab::Slab<Message>,
sorted: Vec<SortedEntry>,
known: HashSet<H256>,
removed_hashes: Vec<H256>,
cumulative_size: usize,
ideal_size: usize,
impl Messages {
fn new(ideal_size: usize) -> Self {
Messages {
slab: ::slab::Slab::with_capacity(0),
sorted: Vec::new(),
known: HashSet::new(),
removed_hashes: Vec::new(),
cumulative_size: 0,
ideal_size: ideal_size,
// reserve space for additional elements.
fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) {
// whether a message is not known and within the bounds of PoW.
fn may_accept(&self, message: &Message) -> bool {
!self.known.contains(message.hash()) && {
self.sorted.last().map_or(true, |entry| {
let work_proved = OrderedFloat(message.work_proved());
OrderedFloat(self.slab[entry.slab_id].work_proved()) < work_proved
// insert a message into the store. for best performance,
// call `reserve` before inserting a bunch.
fn insert(&mut self, message: Message) -> bool {
if !self.known.insert(message.hash().clone()) { return false }
let work_proved = OrderedFloat(message.work_proved());
// pop off entries by low PoW until we have enough space for the higher
// PoW message being inserted.
let size_upon_insertion = self.cumulative_size + message.encoded_size();
if size_upon_insertion >= self.ideal_size {
let diff = size_upon_insertion - self.ideal_size;
let mut found_diff = 0;
for entry in self.sorted.iter().rev() {
if found_diff >= diff { break }
// if we encounter a message with at least the PoW we're looking
// at, don't push that message out.
if entry.work_proved >= work_proved { return false }
found_diff += self.slab[entry.slab_id].encoded_size();
// message larger than ideal size.
if found_diff < diff { return false }
while found_diff > 0 {
let entry = self.sorted.pop()
.expect("found_diff built by traversing entries; therefore that many entries exist; qed");
let message = self.slab.remove(entry.slab_id)
.expect("sorted entry slab IDs always filled; qed");
found_diff -= message.encoded_size();
self.cumulative_size -= message.encoded_size();
let expiry = message.expiry();
self.cumulative_size += message.encoded_size();
if !self.slab.has_available() { self.slab.reserve_exact(1) }
let id = self.slab.insert(message).expect("just ensured enough space in slab; qed");
let sorted_entry = SortedEntry {
slab_id: id,
work_proved: work_proved,
expiry: expiry,
match self.sorted.binary_search(&sorted_entry) {
Ok(idx) | Err(idx) => self.sorted.insert(idx, sorted_entry),
// prune expired messages, and then prune low proof-of-work messages
// until below ideal size.
fn prune(&mut self, now: SystemTime) -> Vec<H256> {
let slab = &mut self.slab;
let known = &mut self.known;
let cumulative_size = &mut self.cumulative_size;
let ideal_size = &self.ideal_size;
let removed = &mut self.removed_hashes;
// first pass, we look just at expired entries.
let all_expired = self.sorted.iter()
.filter(|entry| entry.expiry <= now)
.map(|x| (true, x));
// second pass, we look at entries which aren't expired but in order
// by PoW
let low_proof = self.sorted.iter().rev()
.filter(|entry| entry.expiry > now)
.map(|x| (false, x));
for (is_expired, entry) in all_expired.chain(low_proof) {
// break once we've removed all expired entries
// or have taken enough low-work entries.
if !is_expired && *cumulative_size <= *ideal_size {
let message = slab.remove(entry.slab_id)
.expect("references to ID kept upon creation; only destroyed upon removal; qed");
*cumulative_size -= message.encoded_size();
// clear all the sorted entries we removed from slab.
let slab = &self.slab;
self.sorted.retain(|entry| slab.contains(entry.slab_id));
::std::mem::replace(&mut self.removed_hashes, Vec::new())
fn iter(&self) -> ::slab::Iter<Message, usize> {
fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
self.cumulative_size >= self.ideal_size
fn status(&self) -> PoolStatus {
PoolStatus {
required_pow: if self.is_full() {
self.sorted.last().map(|entry| entry.work_proved.0)
} else {
message_count: self.sorted.len(),
cumulative_size: self.cumulative_size,
target_size: self.ideal_size,
enum State {
Unconfirmed(SystemTime), // awaiting status packet.
TheirTurn(SystemTime), // it has been their turn to send since stored time.
struct Peer {
node_key: NodeId,
state: State,
known_messages: HashSet<H256>,
topic_filter: Option<H512>,
impl Peer {
// note that a message has been evicted from the queue.
fn note_evicted(&mut self, messages: &[H256]) {
for message_hash in messages {
// whether this peer will accept the message.
fn will_accept(&self, message: &Message) -> bool {
let known = self.known_messages.contains(message.hash());
let matches_bloom = self.topic_filter.as_ref()
.map_or(true, |topic| topic & message.bloom() == message.bloom().clone());
!known && matches_bloom
// note a message as known. returns true if it was already
// known, false otherwise.
fn note_known(&mut self, message: &Message) -> bool {
fn set_topic_filter(&mut self, topic: H512) {
self.topic_filter = Some(topic);
fn can_send_messages(&self) -> bool {
match self.state {
State::Unconfirmed(_) | State::OurTurn => false,
State::TheirTurn(_) => true,
/// Pool status.
pub struct PoolStatus {
/// Required PoW to be accepted into the pool
pub required_pow: Option<f64>,
/// Number of messages in the pool.
pub message_count: usize,
/// Cumulative size of the messages in the pool
pub cumulative_size: usize,
/// Target size of the pool.
pub target_size: usize,
/// Handle to the pool, for posting messages or getting info.
pub struct PoolHandle {
messages: Arc<RwLock<Messages>>,
impl PoolHandle {
/// Post a message to the whisper network to be relayed.
pub fn post_message(&self, message: Message) -> bool {
/// Get number of messages and amount of memory used by them.
pub fn pool_status(&self) -> PoolStatus {
/// The whisper network protocol handler.
pub struct Network<T> {
messages: Arc<RwLock<Messages>>,
handler: T,
peers: RwLock<HashMap<PeerId, Mutex<Peer>>>,
node_key: RwLock<NodeId>,
// public API.
impl<T> Network<T> {
/// Create a new network handler.
pub fn new(messages_size_bytes: usize, handler: T) -> Self {
Network {
messages: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Messages::new(messages_size_bytes))),
handler: handler,
peers: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
node_key: RwLock::new(Default::default()),
/// Acquire a sender to asynchronously feed messages to the whisper
/// network.
pub fn handle(&self) -> PoolHandle {
PoolHandle { messages: self.messages.clone() }
impl<T: MessageHandler> Network<T> {
fn rally(&self, io: &NetworkContext) {
// cannot be greater than 16MB (protocol limitation)
const MAX_MESSAGES_PACKET_SIZE: usize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
// prune messages.
let now = SystemTime::now();
let pruned_hashes = self.messages.write().prune(now);
let messages =;
let peers =;
// send each peer a packet with new messages it may find relevant.
for (peer_id, peer) in peers.iter() {
let mut peer_data = peer.lock();
let punish_timeout = |last_activity: &SystemTime| {
if *last_activity + Duration::from_millis(MAX_TOLERATED_DELAY_MS) <= now {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Disconnecting peer {} due to excessive timeout.", peer_id);
// check timeouts and skip peers who we can't send a rally to.
match peer_data.state {
State::Unconfirmed(ref time) | State::TheirTurn(ref time) => {
State::OurTurn => {}
// construct packet, skipping messages the peer won't accept.
let mut stream = RlpStream::new();
for message in messages.iter() {
if !peer_data.will_accept(message) { continue }
if stream.estimate_size(message.encoded_size()) > MAX_MESSAGES_PACKET_SIZE {
peer_data.state = State::TheirTurn(SystemTime::now());
if let Err(e) = io.send(*peer_id, packet::MESSAGES, stream.out()) {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Failed to send messages packet to peer {}: {}", peer_id, e);
// handle status packet from peer.
fn on_status(&self, peer: &PeerId, status: UntrustedRlp)
-> Result<(), Error>
let proto: usize = status.as_val()?;
if proto != PROTOCOL_VERSION { return Err(Error::ProtocolVersionMismatch(proto)) }
let peers =;
match peers.get(peer) {
Some(peer) => {
let mut peer = peer.lock();
let our_node_key =;
// handle this basically impossible edge case gracefully.
if peer.node_key == our_node_key {
return Err(Error::SameNodeKey);
// peer with lower node key begins the rally.
if peer.node_key > our_node_key {
peer.state = State::OurTurn;
} else {
peer.state = State::TheirTurn(SystemTime::now());
None => {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Received message from unknown peer.");
fn on_messages(&self, peer: &PeerId, message_packet: UntrustedRlp)
-> Result<(), Error>
let mut messages_vec = {
let peers =;
let peer = match peers.get(peer) {
Some(peer) => peer,
None => {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Received message from unknown peer.");
return Err(Error::UnknownPeer(*peer));
let mut peer = peer.lock();
if !peer.can_send_messages() {
return Err(Error::UnexpectedMessage);
peer.state = State::OurTurn;
let now = SystemTime::now();
let mut messages_vec = message_packet.iter().map(|rlp| Message::decode(rlp, now))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
if messages_vec.is_empty() { return Ok(()) }
// disallow duplicates in packet.
messages_vec.retain(|message| peer.note_known(&message));
// import for relaying.
let mut messages = self.messages.write();
messages_vec.retain(|message| messages.may_accept(&message));
for message in messages_vec {
fn on_topic_filter(&self, peer: &PeerId, filter: UntrustedRlp)
-> Result<(), Error>
let peers =;
match peers.get(peer) {
Some(peer) => {
let mut peer = peer.lock();
if let State::Unconfirmed(_) = peer.state {
return Err(Error::UnexpectedMessage);
None => {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Received message from unknown peer.");
return Err(Error::UnknownPeer(*peer));
fn on_connect(&self, io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId) {
trace!(target: "whisper", "Connecting peer {}", peer);
let node_key = match io.session_info(*peer).and_then(|info| {
Some(node_key) => node_key,
None => {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Disconnecting peer {}, who has no node key.", peer);
self.peers.write().insert(*peer, Mutex::new(Peer {
node_key: node_key,
state: State::Unconfirmed(SystemTime::now()),
known_messages: HashSet::new(),
topic_filter: None,
if let Err(e) = io.send(*peer, packet::STATUS, ::rlp::encode(&PROTOCOL_VERSION).to_vec()) {
debug!(target: "whisper", "Error sending status: {}", e);
fn on_disconnect(&self, peer: &PeerId) {
trace!(target: "whisper", "Disconnecting peer {}", peer);
let _ = self.peers.write().remove(peer);
impl<T: MessageHandler> ::network::NetworkProtocolHandler for Network<T> {
fn initialize(&self, io: &NetworkContext, host_info: &HostInfo) {
// set up broadcast timer (< 1s)
io.register_timer(RALLY_TOKEN, RALLY_TIMEOUT_MS)
.expect("Failed to initialize message rally timer");
*self.node_key.write() =;
fn read(&self, io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId, packet_id: u8, data: &[u8]) {
let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(data);
let res = match packet_id {
packet::STATUS => self.on_status(peer, rlp),
packet::MESSAGES => self.on_messages(peer, rlp),
packet::TOPIC_FILTER => self.on_topic_filter(peer, rlp),
other => Err(Error::UnknownPacket(other)),
if let Err(e) = res {
trace!(target: "whisper", "Disabling peer due to misbehavior: {}", e);
fn connected(&self, io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId) {
// peer with higher ID should begin rallying.
self.on_connect(io, peer)
fn disconnected(&self, _io: &NetworkContext, peer: &PeerId) {
fn timeout(&self, io: &NetworkContext, timer: TimerToken) {
// rally with each peer and handle timeouts.
match timer {
RALLY_TOKEN => self.rally(io),
other => debug!(target: "whisper", "Timout triggered on unknown token {}", other),