* address -> name mappings * expanding, loading all coin details * send use only actual BasicCoin tokens registered (any reg) * sending token & accounts * form styling updates * send form layout in place * coin send working as expected * api subscriptions on multiple addresses * bring in events * simplify * basic events display in-place, functionally complete * basic functionality in-place * fix horrible event address issue * rwork display of events slightly * test TLA availability * table for owner -> tokens * fix signature lookup address * fix signature lookup address * basic overview styling * txhash links * page layout adjustments * background import * adjust colors * no global registration, simplify color selection * updated styling * connection dialog for "busy connecting" * initial token connection - WIP * init token updates take place * basic test for manual token * rework connection display * allow updates of the secure token * first stab at making the build build * update runner tags * fix linting issues * skip tests requiring network (should be e2e, TODO) * re-enable javascript tag/runner * release push does the trick * push to any branch, CI name * javscript-test runner as well * swap dependencies build requires test * revert stages swap * retrieve images associated with tokens * remove js build deps order * null image when hash = 0x0 * 6x64 images (hashes for registries) * don't pass tokens as prop to IdentityIcon * check images against content hash pictures * cleanup signer after connection changes * fix naming typo * display unknownImages for balances (not available as content hash) * unknownImage for transfer dialog * basic githubhint layout * single input for commit/filename * ethcore_hashContent call * lookup hash * registration in place * fixes * events is using a proper table * pass value through as-is * stop wrongly using main app IdentityIcon * NEVER export class instance functions * alignment back to normal * typo in definition * set & get images working (mostly) * show content retrieval info * set exitcode via || * use javascript:latest images * disable npm progress bar * rename phase I * rename phase II * only send build output to GitHub on major branches * also run the build step as part of the test (until comprehensive) * ci-specific build (no webpack progress) * allow for account creation via recovery phrase * display account uuid (where available), closes #2546 * connection dialog now shows up in dapps as well, closes #2538 * token images show up as expected * IdentityName component added and deployed * fix padding tests * adjust tests to map to stricter 0x-prefixed hex * render names via common component for the address -> name * split lint into seperate script (early exit) * test phases changed to lint, test & pack * pack part of test phase * remove files marked for deletion (cleanup) * Signer cleanups, start moving in the direction of the rest * add personal signer methods * basic signer request subscription * don't poll blockNumber when not connected * missing return, creating massive ws queue backlogs * ΞTH -> ETH * fix failing tests * registry uses setAddress to actually set addresses now * bytes mapping operates on lowerCase hex strings * sha3 ids for each application * add dappreg to list of contracts * adjust alignment of queries * show gas estimation log * abi with payable for register function * add key as required * image retrieval from dappreg * use proper Image urls * embed and link apps from Parity, retrieved via /api/apps * filter apps that has been replaced * proxy entry for parity-utils * add basiccoin abi * add support for fallback abi type * capture constructor paramaters * merge master into js * move images to assets/images/ * add font assets * import fonts as part of build * don't inline woff files * Revert "merge master into js" This reverts commit cfcfa81bd26f1b3cbc748d3afa1eb5c670b363fe. * remove unused npm packages * information on gas estimates (like almost everywhere else) * don't pass gas & gasPrice to estimation * display account passwordhint when available * signer subscriptions based on polling & function trapping * pending requests retrieved via jsapi * update signer middleware * remove all web3 instances * remove web3 package * last web3 dependencies removed * no need to toChecksumAddress - api takes care of it * expand description for personal_confirmRequest * Signer conversion from web3 -> parity.js completed * explicit in no return * green circle background * remove generated background * convert /api/* paths to localhost:8080/api/* paths (hard-coded, temporary) * change dapps to load from localhost:8080/ui/* * remove dangling web3 files * update manager test for signer * /api/ping -> / * additional token images * additional token images * add missing styles.css for 8180 error pages * cater for txhash returning null/empty object * adjust output directories * Release merge with origin with ours strategy * additional token images * cater for development server * s/localhost/ (cater for origin) * Fix address selection for contract deployment * Adjust z-index for error overlay * better text on unique background pattern * fix signer rejections * Don't allow gavcoin transfer with no balance * fix txhash rendering in signer * remove unnecessary ParityBackground * script to update js-precompiled * Redirect from :8080 to :8180 * Remove extra return * Dapp logo images
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