Afri Schoedon 7781cbbc57
CI: Remove unnecessary pipes (#9681)
* ci: reduce gitlab pipelines significantly

* ci: build pipeline for PR

* ci: remove dead weight

* ci: remove github release script

* ci: remove forever broken aura tests

* ci: add random stuff to the end of the pipes

* ci: add wind and mac to the end of the pipe

* ci: remove snap artifacts

* ci: (re)move dockerfiles

* ci: clarify job names

* ci: add cargo audit job

* ci: make audit script executable

* ci: ignore snap and docker files for rust check

* ci: simplify audit script

* ci: rename misc to optional

* ci: add publish script to releaseable branches

* ci: more verbose cp command for windows build

* ci: fix weird binary checksum logic in push script

* ci: fix regex in push script for windows

* ci: simplify gitlab caching

* docs: align README with ci changes

* ci: specify default cargo target dir

* ci: print verbose environment

* ci: proper naming of scripts

* ci: restore docker files

* ci: use docker hub file

* ci: use cargo home instead of cargo target dir

* ci: touch random rust file to trigger real builds

* ci: set cargo target dir for audit script

* ci: remove temp file

* ci: don't export the cargo target dir in the audit script

* ci: fix windows unbound variable

* docs: fix gitlab badge path

* rename deprecated gitlab ci variables

* ci: fix git compare for nightly builds

* test: skip c++ example for all platforms but linux

* ci: add random rust file to trigger tests

* ci: remove random rust file

* disable cpp lib test for mac, win and beta (#9686)
2018-10-02 00:03:58 +01:00

41 lines
980 B

## Usage
```docker build -f docker/ubuntu/Dockerfile --tag ethcore/parity:branch_or_tag_name .```
## Usage - CentOS
Builds a lightweight non-root Parity docker image:
git clone
cd parity-ethereum
Fully customised build:
PARITY_IMAGE_REPO=my-personal/parity \
PARITY_RUNNER_IMAGE_TAG=centos-parity-experimental \
Default values:
# The image name
PARITY_IMAGE_REPO - parity/parity
# The tag to be used for builder image, git commit sha will be appended
# The tag to be used for runner image
All default ports you might use will be exposed:
# secret
# ipfs store ui rpc ws listener discovery
# ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
EXPOSE 5001 8082 8083 8180 8545 8546 30303/tcp 30303/udp