Bangla-Pesa Relaunch
Bangla-Pesa was officially relaunched today in partnership with the Kenyan Government. Represented by Hon. Badi Twalib Minister of Parliament, Ward Representatives, the Speaker for the County Assembly, Women's Representative, the Chief of Police (OCS) and the Mombasa County Secretary. Other guests included Human Rights representatives from Muhuri, the artist Carol Opondo and many others. There was a unanimous request from government representatives to replicate these programs to other areas in the County.

After waiting for 6 months since members of the program were arrested, the community danced, sang, performed dramas and and recited poetry. The team is extremely happy about the turn of events. On the Matatu home from the event I was happy to overhear some women talking about the program as a means of poverty reduction and it's complementary nature to the Kenyan Shilling to create local stability. Traditional Peke Dancing.Chief of Police (OCS) that once arrested us - now endorsing the Bangla-Pesa.Registration for the program will being afresh next week. Thanks for everyone's help making this event happen!