Complementary Currency: Business Network Creation
With our partners, Koru works with small community businesses of Bangladesh, Kenya, in order to implement a complementary currency system.
Bangladesh, Kenya is an informal settlement of approximatly 20 000 inhabitants and 200 businesses located outside Mombasa Kenya - map here. Our first community meetings were mobilized through a local clinic, the local church as well as a youth group. Local business owners were asked to come participate in a 2 hour workshop described briefly as Business Networking.
The purpose of these sessions was to:
- Gauge business community interest in Complementary Currencies (mutual credit).
- Identify benefits and challenges of a Complementary Currency
- Talk about barter and how it is already being used in the community.
- Talk about how money is used for barter and in general in the community
- Speak about benefits and challenges of both barter and money.
- Identify and visualize the existing business networks in the community.
- Plan next steps.
For a full report on the first two meetings visit:
These meetings will continue in January and help lead the way for base line data collection, community ownership and implementation.