Kakuma Refugee Testimonial
After after hearing about sarafu local leaders of a small community group started building a support network in their community. Nyota explains below how after living in the refugee camp for 10 years, Sarafu has helped her to maintain trade with her community and grow their collective farming even when there are no shillings available.

Here the FHE group in Kakuma are meeting to talk about community farming and community inclusion currencies which they learned more about after a trip to Siaya Kenya..

Here the Kaukuma community leaders traveled to Siaya to learn about how Sarafu is used there and about community farming practices that Sarafu helps to make economically sustainable (circular economy). Communities teaching other communities how to use Community Currency is always the best way to share.

This is the beginning of a new community farm in Siaya where the Kakuma team was learning. The poster is showing the intention of the community farm and soil regenerative practices that are being used. Below is a testimonial of one of the farmers in Siaya that taught the Kakuma refugees to follow their example to build a strong local economy.