We've reached nearly 90Million worth (~900,000 USD) of Community Inclusion Currency trading between 30,0000 users in Kenya for basic needs.
Articles by Will Ruddick
- By Will Ruddick
ReCommoning - Chama Cycles for Governance & Debt Reboot
We are learning together about this absolutely virtuous cycle of ReCommoning.
- By Will Ruddick
CIC Training from Response to Recovery
The end effect is that communities have a way to create their own credit systems for supporting themselves responsibly with both social and
- By Will Ruddick
Collateral Bonded Gas for Block Validation
In order to spread adoption of a new economic models that heal economic trauma and use blockchain as a source of truth that connects us...
- By Will Ruddick
CIC (COVID-19 Crisis) Cash Aid
With unstable food systems and deteriorating markets and supply chains, knowing how to target aid is crucial to providing relief and buildin
- By Will Ruddick
Building a Public Registry for Community Currencies(DeFi)
Even when you have no money you are not poor. Building a Public Registry for Community Currencies.
- By Will Ruddick
CIC Pilot Impacts and Plans
In the last 30 days we have had 3015 users making at least 1 trade. For a volume of 2,336,655 Tokens (~23k USD equivalent of goods and...
- By Will Ruddick
Community Inclusion Currencies are Now Open Source
These may sound like small improvements, but because of them our current, 8000+ and growing, users will be able to trade and create CICs to
- By Will Ruddick
Blockchain Powered Village Checkers Tournament
How do you have a proper checkers tournament when no one can pay the entry fees? Jacob the organizer saw an opportunity. His neighbors in...
- By Will Ruddick
2019 Data Release - 92k Kenyan blockchain translations
With every transaction being logged anonymously on a public blockchain we have unprecedented insight into what living below the poverty...