The 4th and 5th Kenyan Community Currencies were launched last week within a span of 7 days. We now have our 3rd Nairobi Currency in...
- By Will Ruddick
African Community Currencies Update
Kenyan Community Currencies Nairobi Gatina-Pesa – The Gatina Business Network's members have been saving their Kenyan Shilings together...
- By Ruth Mwangi
5 Kenyan Community Currencies Meet
Saturday, 27th June will remain a day to remember for various Business Networks in Kenya. A total of five Business Networks united by a...
- By Will Ruddick
Municipal Bonds and Community Currency
A Concept Paper based on observations during the FMDV inspired conference: Conference Resolutions Africa / Marrakesh 2014: Financing...
Kibera's Lindi-Pesa Gaining Momentum
June 6th 2015 was bound to be a typical morning in Kibera - but Saturday morning, the inhabitants of Kibera, the biggest slum of Nairobi,...
Update from Kangemi-Pesa Nairobi
It has been only 2 months since the members of Kangemi Business Network launched their community currency and received their 400...
- By Will Ruddick
Berg Rand Launches in South Africa
The Berg Rand or BRAND - which means 'Fire' Money in Afrikaans, had an amazing launch today! The FlowAfrica team lead by John Ziniades...
Francis the Millionaire
Since several generations the family of Francis has been living in the same neighborhood of Nairobi, Gatina (Part of Kwangware). Gatina,...
- By Will Ruddick
Progress in South Africa
One of our partner programs in South Africa was recently featured on the news. "An exciting new era may be dawning for the Kokstad...
- By Will Ruddick
News from Brazil
Every now and then we get news of great things happening in Brazil. Here is a wonderful blog that details some things happening there....