Block a user
issue-205: added comments for menu handlers methods.
please let's also add punctuation for all comment sentences.
Hash PINs in store
@kamikazechaser can you put here please a ciphertext and plaintext pair that we can prove against?
issue-205: added comments for menu handlers methods.
In godoc, first word in the description should be the symbol name, e.g. "NewHandlers creates a ..."
issue-205: added comments for menu handlers methods.
Thank you for your first contribution to our code. Please note the comment and make the corresponding change before we can merge.
Bidirectional conversion of templates to gettext pot files.
Document external code symbols in templates
Remove need for libgdbm if not building with gdbm support
Error on changing Languages
It looks like maybe this issue is related to the other two issues, and may be a client bug (dialoguss) and/or network issues: