Factor out all non-generic implementations #250

lash wants to merge 29 commits from lash/purify-max into master

Will factor out all related to:

  • Africa's Talking
  • Grassroots Economics menu structures and environment
Will factor out all related to: * Africa's Talking * Grassroots Economics menu structures and environment
lash added 4 commits 2025-01-05 12:31:01 +01:00
lash added 1 commit 2025-01-05 22:04:42 +01:00
lash added 4 commits 2025-01-06 10:04:08 +01:00
lash changed target branch from lash/purify-more to master 2025-01-09 14:45:26 +01:00
lash added 2 commits 2025-01-09 14:50:09 +01:00
lash added 1 commit 2025-01-10 09:57:15 +01:00
lash added 16 commits 2025-01-11 16:23:08 +01:00
lash added 1 commit 2025-01-11 21:38:39 +01:00

This branch will not be merged. Instead, the repository will be archived, and replaced by six other repositories structures as follows:

Some of the changes made during the reorganization can be viewed here:

The sarafu-api repository contains a work-in-progress in-process dev remote api implementation: grassrootseconomics/sarafu-api#1

Lastly, the urdt/term repo has been renamed and moved to https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-vise-events and updated to use the new db keys

This branch will not be merged. Instead, the repository will be archived, and replaced by _six_ other repositories structures as follows: * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/visedriver - Asynchronous provisions and services for the vise engine * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/visedriver-africastalking - Africa's Talking service layer on top of `visedriver` * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-api - Remote API interface definition, along with the generic http implementation * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-vise - The vise application, with all client executables. * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/common - A collection of generally useful tools, types and functions assembled from common and util * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-ussd-instance (private) - Devops/docker stuff that has been stripped from the urdt/ussd repo Some of the changes made during the reorganization can be viewed here: * https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/visedriver/issues?q=&type=all&sort=&state=closed&labels=&milestone=0&project=0&assignee=0&poster=0&archived=false * [https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-vise/issues/1](https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-vise/issues?q=&type=all&sort=&state=closed&labels=&milestone=0&project=0&assignee=0&poster=0&archived=false) The `sarafu-api` repository contains a work-in-progress in-process dev remote api implementation: https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-api/pulls/1 Lastly, the `urdt/term` repo has been renamed and moved to https://git.grassecon.net/grassrootseconomics/sarafu-vise-events and updated to use the new db keys
lash closed this pull request 2025-01-11 21:54:35 +01:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: urdt/ussd#250
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