WIP: wip-menu-select-fix #72

carlos wants to merge 12 commits from wip-menu-select-fix into master

This PR main change is on how language selection is done,it now uses the symbol name to decide the language selected.It also updates the affected unit tests

This PR main change is on how language selection is done,it now uses the symbol name to decide the language selected.It also updates the affected unit tests
carlos added 10 commits 2024-09-20 13:48:46 +02:00
carlos added 2 commits 2024-09-20 21:43:07 +02:00

@lash What do you think about using the execution path to decide if it is a single edit option selected?

@lash What do you think about using the execution path to decide if it is a single edit option selected?

What do you think about using the execution path to decide if it is a single edit option selected?

To be honest this utils.GetSingleEditExecutionPath solution looks hacky, and suffers from a similar issue; it is dependent on more than just local information of the node. As in, what if the execution path changed later; we would have to remember to change this, too, independently.

In go-vise there is an example/profile did you have a look at that. Could something like that improve the situation?


> What do you think about using the execution path to decide if it is a single edit option selected? To be honest this `utils.GetSingleEditExecutionPath` solution looks hacky, and suffers from a similar issue; it is dependent on more than just local information of the node. As in, what if the execution path changed later; we would have to remember to change this, too, independently. In go-vise there is an `example/profile` did you have a look at that. Could something like that improve the situation? @carlos
carlos closed this pull request 2024-09-23 09:46:03 +02:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: urdt/ussd#72
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